Boy Names That Mean Land
Parents care a lot about name meanings of their babies. You can find baby names that mean fire, baby names that mean love and baby names that mean beautiful.
- Addaneye
- Addney
- Adny
- Aedd
- Aijeleth-Shahar
- Ailpean
- Alandair
- Albanwr
- Argob
- Arregaithel
- Arvalis
- Bailefour
- Baldie
- Balfor
- Balfore
- Bardolph
- Birkee
- Birkett
- Birkey
- Birkhead
- Birkhed
- Birkie
- Birky
- Birnie
- Birny
- Bitanig
- Blandford
- Bondon
- Bonds
- Bradig
- Bret
- Brittain
- Bureig
- Burneig
- Caddaham
- Caithness
- Caraidland
- Carne
- Carr
- Cartland
- Charraigaich
- Chatham
- Clifland
- Clinttun
- Clyfland
- Colle
- Columba
- Cortlandt
- Creola
- Crosland
- Culley
- Denholm
- Derwent
- Ealaothek Kaunis
- Ellary
- Eorland
- Eorlland
- Ewind
- Farquhar
- Fyffe
- Gajra
- Gariland
- Gillanders
- Gnup
- Gore
- Graceland
- Hafgrim
- Halsig
- Haslet
- Haslett
- Hotspur
- Idalah
- Idbash
- Inerney
- Inis
- Iniss
- Inness
- Inys
- Ithamar
- Ittamar
- Jeezer
- Joelah
- Kalman
- Kellsie
- Kelsea
- Kelsig
- Kelsy
- Kerr
- Kerrie
- Kiollsig
- Knute
- Lambart
- Lambrecht
- Lambret
- Lambrett
- Lamherto
- Landers
- Landmari
- Lanfranco