
Name Meaning

The feminine form of "Charles," it means "petite" and "feminine." It has been a common name for royalty. Well-known Charlottes: novelist Charlotte Brontë; Wilbur's spider friend in Charlotte's Web; character in Sex and the City.


English, French, Teutonic


Place, Leaders, Places, Basketball stars, Children's books, Classic, Disney Characters, Elegant, Famous writers, Fashion designers, Food and drinks, Inventors, Cute, Popular, Pretty




Sharlene, Lotye, Lotte, Lotta, Charly, Charli, Charlee

Famous Namesakes

French actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, Welsh singer Charlotte Church, Actress Charlotte Rae, Author Charlotte Bronte

Celebrity Babies

Daughter of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr., Daughter of Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg, Daughter of Pierce Brosnan and Cassandra Harris, Daughter of Sigourney Weaver, Daughter of Amy Brenneman

Popularity in 2019


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